As Muslims across the United States continue to hear discriminatory statements about Islam and Muslims through the news-media and otherwise, the Muslims in Colorado have received a strong message of solidarity and support from leaders of Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and other faith traditions in the state. Over ninety ministers, pastors, rabbis, and priests have signed a joint letter of solidarity penned, "To our dear Muslim brothers and sisters". The letter that was published on Thursday, December 10, 2015, reads: "Our dear Muslim brothers and sisters in Colorado, We wish for your safety and for the well-being of your families. In the light of recent violent events in the US and elsewhere, messages of hate against Muslims are spreading. Misguided people will continue to seek opportunities to destroy peace and inflict pain and suffering. We abhor the criticism and disrespectful rhetoric that is being misguidedly directed towards Islam and Muslims. Our own voices echo the prayer of the Denver Islamic Society and Imam ShemsAdeen Ben-Masaud, member of the Colorado Imam Council, written on November 14, 2015, that, “We pray for an end to all destructive forces that try to separate us from each other and from our humanity”. We stand by you and your families and believe that, by the will of God, together we can help turn this atmosphere of fear to an atmosphere of love." End Quote Imam Shakir, Coordinator of the Colorado Imam Council and Imam at the Islamic Center of Fort Collins, said, "We are honored to receive this letter and we look forward to working with these leaders and others who wish to help build bridges between different faith groups and between their congregations so that together we can build a better nation based on the ideals of trust, cooperation and mutual benefit." Patty Lawless, Lead Statewide Organizer for Together Colorado, helped spread word of this letter within her network. She worked with Aamer Trambu, Treasurer for Islamic Circle of North America, to put this statement together. Together Colorado is a multi-faith multi-racial organization founded in 1978 that seeks to unlock the power of people in transforming their communities. Denver Islamic Society will be holding an Open House from 2:30 to 5pm every third Saturday of the month. The next open house will be held on Saturday, December 19, 2015. An additional letter of support from the Longmont Buddhist Temple is below: You can download the PDF version of the file here: ![]()
Signatories to the letters include:
Br. Scott Michael Pomerenk, n/BSG, St. Thomas Episcopal Church Cal Kenper, Northglenn United Church of Christ Clay Jones, President, Second Glance Ministries Dr. Rev. Annabel B. Clark, member, Sixth Avenue United Church of Christ Dustin Adkins, Minister, South Broadway Christian Church Emily Conger, Interim Minister, Jefferson Unitarian Church, Golden Fr. Terry Kissell, St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church, Aurora Jeff Johnsen, Mile High Ministries Kathy Escobar, Co-pastor, The Refuge, Broomfield Minister Florence Caplow, Two Rivers Unitarian Universalist, Carbondale Msgr. Robert L. Amundsen, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Lafayette Nancy Kovalcik, Faith Leaders in Action, SE Colorado Pastor Bert Chilson, St. Stephen Parish & School, Glenwood Springs Pastor Betsy Headrick McCrae, Glennon Heights Mennonite Church Pastor Caitlin Trussell, Augustana Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel Smith, Ascension Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs Pastor Emily Hagan, First United Methodist Church of Berthoud Pastor Merv Birky, Beth-El Mennonite Church, Colorado Springs Pastor Patrick Hurley, First Presbyterian Church, Pueblo Pastor Paul Howard, Pastor, Montclair Community United Methodist Church Pastor Sara Wirth, Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, Boulder Pat Washburn, Chaplain, Good Samaritan Village, Estes Park Rabbi Bernard Gerson, Congregation Rodef Shalom Rabbi Brian Field, Judaism Your Way, Denver Rabbi Deborah Bronstein, Congregation Har Hashem, Boulder Rabbi Eliot Baskin, DMin, Jewish Family Service Rabbi Joseph R. Black, President – Rocky Mountain Rabbinical Council Rabbi Marc Soloway, Congregation Bonai Shalom, Boulder Rabbi Sarah Bracha Gershuny, Congregation Nevei Kodesh, Boulder Rabbi Stephen Booth-Nadav Rev. Allyson Sawtell, United Church of Christ Rev. Amanda Henderson, Executive Director, Interfaith Alliance of Colorado Rev. Beth Chronister, Assistant Minister, First Unitarian Society of Denver Rev. Beth Robey Hyde, United Church of Christ (retired) Rev. Bill Calhoun, Presbyterian minister Rev. Bill Kirton, United Methodist Church (retired) Rev. Bonita Bock, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) clergy Rev. Canon Elizabeth Marie Melchionna, Saint John's Episcopal Cathedral, Denver Rev. Dana W. Wilbanks, Prof. Emeritus of Christian Ethics, Iliff School of Theology Rev. Daniel Klawitter, Deacon,Rocky Mountain Conference-United Methodist Church Rev. Dawn Riley Duval, African Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Dr. Barry Bloom, Community Minister, Jefferson Unitarian Church, Golden Rev. Dr. Charisa Hunter-Crump, Senior Minister, Cairn Christian Church, Boulder Rev. Dr. Jennifer Morgan, Highlands Church Rev. Dr. Neema Caughran, Center for Inner Peace, Pueblo Rev. Dr. Pat Bruns, Senior Pastor, First United Methodist Church of Boulder Rev. Dr. Vernon Rempel, Beloved Community Mennonite Church, Littleton Rev. Edward A. Hawley, United Church of Christ (retired) Rev. Erin Gilmore, First Congregational Church of Loveland Rev. Gary Weaver, First Presbyterian Church, Pueblo Rev. Gregory Garland, Pastor, United Church of Broomfield, UCC Rev. Ian Cummins, Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church Rev. J. Todd Smiedendorf, Senior Minister, Washington Park United Church of Christ Rev. James Chapman, Broadmoor Community UCC, Colorado Springs Rev. Jane E. Vennard, United Church of Christ Rev. Jann Halloran, Prairie Unitarian Universalist Church, Parker Rev. Jeannie Shero, First Universalist Church of Denver Rev. Jeff Newuman-Lee, Whittier Community Church (Church of the Brethren) Rev. John Hild, Metropolitan Community Church of Pueblo Rev. Kelly Dignan, Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder Rev. Kevin Olsen, Interim Minister, First Congregational UCC, Pueblo Rev. Lee Anderson, Trinity & Lakewood United Methodist Churches Rev. Loren Richmond, Jr., United Church of Christ Rev. Lydia Ferrante-Roseberry, Boulder Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Rev. Lynn Miller Jackson, Scott United Methodist Church Rev. Mark Meeks, Capitol Heights Presbyterian Church Rev. Melissa St. Clair, Heart of the Rockies Christian Church, Fort Collins Rev. Mike Morran, Senior Minister, First Unitarian Society of Denver Rev. Nelson Bock, Wartburg College Rev. Paul J. Kottke, Metro District Superintendent, United Methodist Church Rev. Sally Brown, St. John’s Cathedral Rev. Sally Megeath, St. Thomas Episcopal Church Rev. Sandra Daniel, United Church of Christ (retired) Rev. Sandra Spahr, United Methodist Church, Pueblo Rev. Shannon O'Hurley, Associate Minister, Mile Hi Church Rev. Sharon McCormick, United Methodist Rev. Stephan Papa, Unitarian Universalist (retired) Rev. Steve Parke, United Church of Christ, Pueblo Rev. Sue Artt, Acting Conf. Minister, Rocky Mountain Conf., United Church of Christ Rev. Susan McKee, Minister for Interfaith Relations, Park Hill Cong. UCC Rev. Ted Howard, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Boulder Rev. Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson, Cairn Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Lafayette Rev. Thomas E. Korson, Unitarian Universalist Community Minister (retired) Rev. Val Stepien, Eyes of Compassion Sangha, Unified Buddhist Church Rev. Wayne A. Laws, Mountain View United Church, United Church of Christ, Aurora Rev. Wendy Williams, Senior Minister, Jefferson Unitarian Church, Golden Rick Love, President, Peace Catalyst International Additional signatories include: Reverend Carol O’Dowd, Longmont Buddhist Temple Board of Directors, Longmont Buddhist Temple For questions about this article please email [email protected] or call 720-505-3399. To learn more about Islam please visit or call the 24x7 hotline 1-877-WHY-ISLAM (1-877-949-4752).
The Colorado Imam CouncilThe Colorado Imam Council strives to unite the Colorado Muslim community through communication, coordination and by representing the Colorado Muslim community with one voice on Islamic issues. Archives
December 2018
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